
If you’re a retail or hospitality business looking to serve our coffee, we can help you make your mark. We want everyone that we work with to feel like they’re an extension of the Fika team and ambassadors of our brand.  Here’s what we can offer: 

Speciality coffee roasted to order

As a local roaster, we’re super flexible and reliable, supplying only the best quality speciality coffees.  Shipped within days of roasting, freshness is guaranteed. Footfall can be unpredictable, so we don’t expect small businesses to be tied into minimum orders and contracts – we deliver coffee on demand to your door and free of charge if you’re in DH1. Like you, we’re a small business that looks to partner with like-minded folks so we give a hands-on, personal service. We’ve invested for future growth in our Giesen 15kg roaster so we can deliver from day one to small, medium and large businesses alike.

Sampling the goods

Having our own roastery means that we can roast and cup a selection of coffees before we establish the perfect blend or single origin options for your business.

Coffee making gear

We partner with local businesses to provide equipment leasing and purchasing options, as well as technical support, maintenance and servicing. Our partners work with the best brands in the business – Victoria Arduino, Conti, La Spaziale and San Remo to name a few.

View Range of Commercial Espresso Machines
View Range of Commercial Coffee Grinders

Barista training

Choosing a great coffee supplier is the first step. The real magic happens in the coffee making.  Customers are discerning and rightly so - they know a latte from a flat white. If you need to hone your barista skills or pick up some knowledge on the origins of our beans, the roasting process and characteristics of the coffees you’re serving, we can fill you in.

Roasting experience

Creating amazing coffee is a process – it’s fascinating stuff but every stage needs careful consideration to get it just right. We can take you through the coffee beans’ travels from meeting the farmers that we source our green beans from, to our approach to profiling and extracting the best natural flavours from the beans.

We have great respect for the land and the people that farm it so we’ve established direct trade relationships with farmers from far flung destinations including Uganda and Brazil. Our beans are ethically sourced from farmers that are treated fairly and have sustainable businesses, enabling us to continue to bring their best quality speciality coffee to the UK. 

Stand out from the crowd

Outlets serving fresh coffee aren’t rare, but few are truly special. If you’re striving to stand out and be different from the coffee crowd, we can work with you to create your own unique blend that keeps your customers coming back for more. We can also design your own unique labels to promote our pairing.

A match made in coffee heaven?

If you think we’re a good fit, or have any questions for us, we’d love to hear from you. Simply fill out the form below or email hello@fikacofferoasters.co.uk and we’ll be in touch.

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